Direct Flights from Hasanuddin International Airport (UPG)

Explore all destinations you can fly to directly from Ujung Pandang.

Destination Duration Weekdays Flights Per Day
CGK Jakarta 2h 15m S M T W T F S 27-29 flights per day
SUB Surabaya 1h 35m S M T W T F S 16 flights per day
KDI Kendari 1h 5m S M T W T F S 8 flights per day
DPS Denpasar 1h 25m S M T W T F S 7-8 flights per day
MDC Manado 1h 45m S M T W T F S 6-7 flights per day
MOH Morowali 1h 20m S M T W T F S 6 flights per day
BPN Balikpapan 1h 10m S M T W T F S 6 flights per day
TTE Ternate 1h 55m S M T W T F S 4-5 flights per day
PLW Palu 1h 15m S M T W T F S 4-5 flights per day
AMQ Ambon 1h 45m S M T W T F S 4 flights per day
YIA Yogyakarta 1h 55m S M T W T F S 3-4 flights per day
TIM Tembagapura 2h 55m S M T W T F S 3 flights per day
SOQ Sorong 2h 15m S M T W T F S 2-3 flights per day
GTO Gorontalo 1h 33m S M T W T F S 2-3 flights per day
DJJ Jayapura 3h 40m S M T W T F S 2-3 flights per day
SRG Semarang 1h 45m S M T W T F S 2 flights per day
BIK Biak 2h 50m S M T W T F S 2 flights per day
BUW Baubau 1h 15m S M T W T F S 2 flights per day
LUW Luwuk 1h 15m S M T W T F S 2 flights per day
KXB Kolaka 0h 55m S M T W T F S 1-2 flights per day
MKW Manokwari 2h 45m S M T W T F S 1-2 flights per day
LLO Palopo 0h 55m S M T W T F S 1-2 flights per day
KUL Kuala Lumpur 3h 15m S M T W T F S 0-2 flights per day
MJU Mamuju 1h 5m S M T W T F S 1 flight per day
MKQ Merauke 3h 40m S M T W T F S 1 flight per day
SIN Singapore 2h 50m S M T W T F S 0-2 flights per day
KOE Kupang 1h 30m S M T W T F S 0-1 flights per day
LOP Praya 1h 15m S M T W T F S 0-1 flights per day
BDJ Banjarmasin 1h 5m S M T W T F S 0-1 flights per day
BMU Bima 1h 15m S M T W T F S 0-1 flights per day
AAP Samarinda 1h 30m S M T W T F S 0-1 flights per day
TRT Mengkendek 0h 50m S M T W T F S 0-1 flights per day

About Hasanuddin International Airport (UPG)

Here's something interesting: Did you know that Hasanuddin International Airport, located in Ujung Pandang (also known as Makassar), is named after Sultan Hasanuddin, a 17th-century Indonesian pirate who robbed the Spanish galleon Santo Antonio to fund his rebellion against Portuguese colonization? The airport's unique naming reflects the rich history of the region.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an IATA code?

The IATA code is a three-letter code designating many airports around the world, defined by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). These codes are used for airline timetables, tickets, baggage tags, and more.

What is Hasanuddin International Airport airport's latitude and longitude?

The latitude and longitude of Hasanuddin International Airport are -5.06163, 119.554001.

What is Hasanuddin International Airport's municipality?

The municipality for Hasanuddin International Airport is Ujung Pandang.